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Laos then into China

June 5, 2015 3 Comments
Camping PMF Style

Another Beaut Night of Camping – PMF Style!

Friday, 5th June 2015

Laos was a delight, people were so nice and a pleasure to meet. We had 2 nights camping in Laos the 1st night was in an open area next to rice paddies. We all slept ok. Pete (5th wheel) slept on the ground under our awning between the 2 vehicles.

The 2nd night was in a rubber plantation, what a lovely spot – full shade nice river. We all skinny dipped in the river – very refreshing. Many local people rode bikes and walked past us however never came up to us – they were so polite.

Laos is so poor, we dropped into a local village along the way. The people were amazed to see us. The homes were just thatched huts however we did find a hut with TV and beer fridge so we purchased 10 long necks. Donna found an old lady smoking a pipe which smelt like pot. We do have a photo of Donna having a puff on her pipe very funny! The kids were so much fun with Donna and Lynn handing out gifts like balloons and kangaroos, etc.

On the 2nd June we entered China. How confusing until until we found our guide (Green). She is a lovely young 28 year old Chinese lady. Green proceeded to get us organised, however Alan and I went off to try and get our Carnet documents signed off… nobody wanted to know about these documents.

There was a language issue for Alan and I, and our guide Green was off doing other paperwork. In hindsight we should have waited for her…

Anyway, Alan and I ended up in a shouting match with the customs guys and police. Green eventually found us with Alan blocking a main transit truck lane until they would agree to sign the doc’s. There was one Chinese customs guy very upset with us. Green got to work and with her discussions with customs found out China does not recognise western systems like the Carnets. China has their own system. This was all sorted and we then moved onto the next check point. Alan and I were out of order and apologised.  China is so regulated. There are many check points where we have to show our passports.

Green has been great from day one taking us to some wonderful spots. The county side is so mountainous and rugged with so many great views. We should have some great photos to go onto the blog.

Yesterday we were supposed to go to a sunset site recommended by Green, but unfortunately too much cloud came in and ruined the sunset. Next morning, (today) we were able to see a sunrise but again too much cloud. We’re off to Jianshui where we will see an old town and temples. Should be good and no doubt we’ll have many more photos.

Filed in: Diary

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  1. eve says:

    Hi, sounds like fun and games but more fun than games.Makes our little lives look a bit boring over here.
    Nothing happening really but the weather is glorious with 22 degree days.
    Stuart is still with us , he decided to join us in nz and followed on over here. Leaves on Friday.
    Nz was same as, too many people to visit.
    No other news, have a cute cat, chester, but that’s about it, read your blog all the time, so don’t think we don’t love you xx eve

  2. Andrew Winter says:

    Oh no Barry and Alan get into trouble for being…………….. let us guess: Impatient. No kidding.

    Try not to start any more fights you IGITS. Happy travels.

  3. Waz & Ro says:

    I all you very Adventurish people. We love your stories, you are obviously having a tremendous time. Baz! We have been following up to China. We had some dfficulty getting reception in central Qld. All good with us. Our adventure a little more sedate than yours, but than that would be expected. Ha. Keep having fun.
    Cheers, Waz & Ro.

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