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Hi Peoples

September 2, 2015 2 Comments

It has been a long time since I, (Mumma Bear) have written anything. All the news has been told anyway. I had a lovely holiday back in Australia. It was so good to see everyone. We managed to surprise most of the people we saw and that was good fun. The luxuries were very easy to get used to I might admit. To have a hot shower on hand at any time you wanted it and a flushing toilet as well – I thought I was in Heaven. The other thing that made my days was to finally have a washing machine to do my washing, oh bliss. Guess what? The clothes actually come clean in a washing machine! I am just showing you my princess side!!

It was also very interesting coming back. When leaving Australia there were again very mixed emotions. On one hand it was hard to say goodbye to all my lovely family and friends, but on the other hand there was a sense of excitement at being able to continue this journey. The places and the people we have met have just been so stimulating and interesting.

The people who have become our friends along the way I will never forget. Each and every one of them have contributed to my enjoyment of this journey. This whole adventure has made me a different person to the one that left her home a little over 5 or 6 months ago. For example and possibly the best thing for me I HAVE LOST WEIGHT Yeah!!!!

Donna Camping

Princess Mumma Bear at the Camp Site

The most important thing though is that it has given me a whole different outlook on life in general. And this is Princess Mumma Bear talking! You really don’t have to have all the luxuries to be happy as I have seen so many people with nothing and they seem to be more than happy with big smiles on their faces and a welcoming hand.

Time is another thing that has suddenly become not so important to me. If I haven’t got the washing up done by a certain time who cares! At home I ran to a very regimented way of life. These are the sort of things that have changed me and I am thankful for that.

We are just about ready to set off again for the day over very rough roads (if you can call them roads) to yet another new spot somewhere out there.

Hello and love to all my family and friends both old and new. Will send another little note when I can. But don’t hold your breath – it takes a lot of wrestling to be able to get this computer off Barry. LOL. Bye for now.

Filed in: Diary

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  1. Vic Watts says:

    Love you Princess Mumma Bear !!!! xxxx

  2. nev collins says:

    it was great to catch up with you on both trips home the second was not for a great reason. we love having you back it is always good to hear the stories and on a brighter side for the second trip home it does give Baz the chance to restock on spare parts for the cars it funny though i would have thought that he would be getting FORD parts not TOYOTA bit very strange???

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